Join the communication revolution of the 21st Century with XtremeBrass.com's Virtual Learning Center featuring "CyberLesson" & "CyberClinic".
This new and exciting learning experience allows students and teachers anywhere in the world to take a "Real Time" "One On One" video interactive Brass Lesson, Show Design Consultation or Arranging Lesson with Wayne Downey via the Internet.

Wayne will provide the Student with:
- A private brass lesson to evaluate your current solo, etude and characteristic study.
- An evaluation of your strengths and weaknesses in 7 important areas of brass technique integral to the success of All State, Drum Corps and school seating auditions.
- An in depth study of Wayne's XtremeBrass techniques in easy to read paragraph form.
- A rehearsal plan complete with practice tips and suggested etudes and exercises.
- "SuperStar Etudes" 20 of Wayne's original etudes for brass free of charge.
- Answers to any pertinent questions the student might have concerning the development of his/her performance skills.
Schedule a Lesson

Wayne will provide the Teacher with:
- A customized clinic addressing your music program's "wants & needs".
- An interactive video evaluation of your marching band show design.
- An in depth study of Wayne's Custom Band Warm-Ups and XtremeMarching & Playing Techniques
- A rehearsal plan complete with practice tips, suggested warm-ups and technique exercises for your symphonic and or marching band.
- "Killer Chords" one of Wayne's original tuning sequences for band free of charge.
- Answers to any pertinent questions the teacher might have concerning the development of his/her music program.
Wayne will provide the Arranger with:
- A customized clinic evaluating one of your most recent compositions or arrangements.
- Tips on key selection, orchestration, voicing, counterpoint and instrument ranges.
- An interactive video evaluation of the effectual and compositional depth of design.
- Answers to any pertinent questions the arranger might have concerning composing or arranging for marching band, drum corps, brass band, TV, cinema or stage and theater.
Schedule a Clinic