Mutant Virus



This product is electronically distributed.

By Dave Glyde

Grade Level: Open (Medium Difficulty)

"Mutant Virus," loosely based on the role-playing game, Mutant Chronicles tells the story of a war that rages on between the four biggest corporations on Earth as they battle over the planet’s diminishing resources. During heavy combat, a mystical, ancient seal (that has been buried for centuries) is inadvertently broken, unleashing an army of horrifying ‘necro-mutants’ who have been imprisoned deep under the Earth’s surface. If they reach the capital, a mutant plague will be released - leading to the extinction of the human race. Originally the Mutant Virus was to be used to help the handicapped through its regenerative effects, but the military began research on its applications for bio-weapons, combining it with leech DNA which eventually led to the formation of the t-virus. You must stop the mutants before they emerge from their subterranean lair.

A powerful and sweeping introduction leads to hard hitting, action packed phrases demonstrating the finesse, contrast, variety and the sophisticated chops that your percussion line is capable of.



  • Bells/Glockenspiel
  • Xylophone
  • 2 or 3 - Vibraphones
  • 2 or 4 - Marimbas
  • 2 Synthesizers
  • Timpani
  • 2 Accessory Percussion
  • 2 Auxiliary Percussion
  • Snare Drum
  • Tenor Drums (quads with 1 or 2 spocks)
  • 5 Bass Drums
  • Marching Hand Cymbals
  • Assorted Big Drums
Dave Glyde
Intermediate (Open Class)

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