Custom Drill Design For Band



This product is electronically distributed.

A Custom Drill Design can be created for Any Marching Band Show offered in our XtremeBrass & Percussion catalog.

Have our staff of professional drill designers craft a Custom Designed Drill for your Marching Band. The show will be written for the exact number of players in the wind, percussion and auxiliary you have in your group.


  • Small - Up to 90 members on field
  • Medium - Up to 150 members on field
  • Large - Up to 200 members on the field
  • Bands Larger than 200 - Contact for pricing for your group's size/instrumentation

The visual design will be custom written for YOUR specific numbers and instrumentation.

Included in the design package:

  • Cast List of Performers
  • Drill Charts (Color and or Black & White)
  • Thumbnails (8 sets per page)
  • Performer Coordinates
  • 2D Video of Design on grid (for more detailed viewing)
  • 3D Animated Video

XtremeMarching Band In 2D and 3D

"XtremeBrass & Percussion" has teamed up with "Pyware" to make available to all customers who purchase a "Custom Designed Drill" a 3D movie of the drill powered by "Pyware's" amazing 3D Drill Software. The 3D Movie is perfectly synched to the music of the show that you purchased and can also include these fabulous extras.

  • 3D Real View
    Flag and weapon tosses, visuals, customizable uniforms and marching styles
  • Prop Independence
    Props can be carried by a performer or moved and rotated on their own
  • New Prop Shapes
    Spheres, Vertical Circles, Flat Circles, Cylinders and multi-sided boxes with independant sides

Now How Cool Is That???

Check It Out NOW!!!

Here's a sample of "Passion". Music by Gary P. Gilroy, Shawn Glyde & Nate Bourg. Drill by Preston Howard. Download a sample PDF of the first five pages.

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